Showing 510 boats for sale
Year: 2018
Length: 5.31
Small recreational boats of no more than 6 meters length, designed for activities such as fishing, coastal cruising, and inland waterway navigation. Some examples of these boats are:
These are lightweight and maneuverable vessels, often powered by outboard motors. They are popular for recreational activities such as fishing or water skiing.
Vessels specifically designed for recreational fishing in coastal or inland waters. They can vary in size and capacity.
Include dinghies, small motorboats, and rowboats. These boats are popular for recreational activities on lakes, rivers, and protected coastal areas.
Include small sailboats and catamarans designed for recreational and sports sailing. These boats are typically manageable by one person or a small crew. In general, these kind of boats are those with limited size and engine power, making them suitable for operation with a basic navigation license. Nowadays, you should know that new 6-meter boats are more environmentally friendly, with lower fuel consumption and emissions compared to used boats that have less advanced sustainability technology.