The Beneteau Antares 8 preowned is one of the 2011 shipyard models of the year 2011. It is a motorboat of type cabin cruiser with a price of 55,000€. It has 7.48 m length and 2.95 m in beam. Beneteau Antares 8 has 1 Nanni engine(s) with 200 HP. It has 1 cabin(s) and 1 bathroom(s). It is located in Tarragona, Spain. More data, details, equipment, and condition of this Beneteau Antares 8 used for sale can be found below.
Embarcación muy bien cuidada y siempre con el mantenimiento al día. Tiene un potente motor Nanni Toyota de 200 CV .Con muchos extras. Hélice de proa y piloto automático.
GPS Potter, piloto automático, hélice proa, cargador batería, depósito agua.